Lead climbing

 Il est possible de grimper en tête à Padoue tous les jour, hors weekend, de 10h à 16h avec la certification Maniak (et le vendredi de 10h à 23h) !

Information about lead climbing

  • To be able to lead climb with us, you need certification proving that you have mastered the climbing and belay techniques specific to lead climbing. To ensure the safety of all concerned. 

  • This certification will be issued by one of our employees, who will observe you (climbing and belaying). You will then receive a card to attach to your harness, enabling us to check who has already received certification.

  • Certification is available every Friday from 4.30pm. Simply go to the reception desk (no reservation required) and tell the staff member you wish to take the certification.

  • Please note: you must bring your own rope!

  • 1/3 of the hall will be available and equipped for lead climbing.

  • It is imperative to climb at least 6a.

  •  Come in pairs.

  • Note: certification is not required for holders of anim SNE, anim SAE or KVB 2 training.

  • You haven't mastered lead climbing yet? We organize courses.

Lead climbing classes

Are you interested in lead climbing but don't know how it works? We offer a course to learn the climbing and belaying techniques specific to lead climbing.
- The course consists of a 3-hour lesson.

- Classes are held on Saturdays from 6 to 9 pm.
- Price: 35€ (excluding entry, including specific equipment).
- Possibility of coming alone.

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